Friday, October 28, 2016

Pots of Sedum

Last week I was at Costco. I know you are surprised! They had packets of 3 sedum plants for $18. Now they were in nice decorative pots, but that seemed a little high to me. I guess know I am cheap. I think sedum in pots is hot right now??? So I thought it might be fun to share a project I did last May.

For some reason it always falls to me to come up with a gift idea for the children at church to make for Mother's Day. As a mother of four, I have been the recipient of much trash many lovely items made by children's hands. I know which ones I liked and which ones I threw away as soon as the children were in bed. 

Searching for an idea this year, I went to the garden section at Home Depot looking for inspiration. My criteria - cheap, easy enough for a 3-year-old to do, and not trash. I bought a few dozen 4" terracotta pots for 79 cents each and a "sedum tile" (1' x 2') for $19.99. 

I had never seen sedum tile before. It is a mat of the little succulents growing on coco fibers that you can just slap down in your garden. It came in 1' x 1' and 1' x 2'. 

Fortunately the weather was nice on Mother's Day, so we took the children outside. The teachers had the children scribble on personalize the pots with crayons and then add some of the free compost I had gotten from Arlington County. (I love that service! They also give away free trees once a year.)

My job was to hack off clumps of the sedum the children then "planted" in their pots. We watered and called it done.

 I liked them so much I made myself a few. With the pot and the plant, they cost about $1.50 each. Some of the crap craft projects cost that much.

Planted last spring, you can already see the white calcium forming on the side of the pot. I love that!

The house has a "greenhouse window" behind the sink. The window is not long for this world, but I decorated in the meantime. I also have a succulent from our very first house and my Mother's Day hydrangea from last year that fought hard to survive when I was gone for 3 weeks and it received not a drop of water. 

A little cluttery, but it still makes me smile.

If you were one of the mothers that received a pot, please let us know how your plant is doing.

I would love to hear ... even if it went to bad-gift-heaven.


  1. HI Lauri!
    Thanks for asking me over to your blog. Gardening is such a wonderful pastime, and I too have been bringing my plants indoors, although I am not sure I will have much success.

  2. This is so exciting!!! You're a master in the kitchen and in the garden and I can't wait for all of your tips and tricks!

  3. This is so exciting!!! You're a master in the kitchen and in the garden and I can't wait for all of your tips and tricks!

  4. I am deeply offended that so many of my precious works of art went to bad-gift-heaven.
