A Tale of the Season
Asters in a fine performance
Costumed in purple, pink and ...
Favorite with their bee fans
The Toad Lily
This character actor may not be a box office draw, but always turns in a beautiful performance.
Close-up of Toad Lily
Surprisingly fine performance by an unknown walk-on.
Subdued but lovely performance by fall blooming Camellia.
Cameo role by aging star, Veronica.
This aging star, Butterfly Bush, continues to turn in a solid performance and remains a favorite with its bee fans.
Lack luster performance by Chrysanthemum.
Fine supporting actors include: Leadwort
and The Sedum, Autumn Joy.
Nice little performance by another unknown.
Strong comic performance by an actor we have not seen before in a serious role,
The Chinese Lantern Plant
Chinese Lantern with an unknown walk-on.
Rosebud - child actor from a famous family.
Rosebud's family continues to perform and produce large, colorful rose hips.
(I am not body-shaming here.)
Cinematography is breath-taking with the red berries of this Spirea bush.
And we mustn't miss the posthumous performance of Wild Garlic.
Seed heads add to the texture of the fall garden.
Preview of coming attractions -
Nandina berries will provide winter color.
But nothing detracts from the performance like a floor littered with popcorn or acorns. I think the squirrels in the balcony are throwing them at me.
This is my view out the window while I type. The squirrel is swishing his tail and chattering up a storm while he eats his acorn. Driving Yoshi, the cat, nuts!
What a stunning garden!